`New invention helps anglers lure big fish`
Released on: October 24, 2007, 6:15 am
Press Release Author: BeyondPR
Industry: Law
Press Release Summary: A frustrating fishing expedition prompted keen angler John Moorhouse to totally reinvent the lure he was using
Press Release Body: A frustrating fishing expedition prompted keen angler John Moorhouse to totally reinvent the lure he was using and convert it into a highly efficient and successful new lure called the Sand Real. John and his wife Yvonne have since had fantastic results with John�s patented invention; using the weighted rubber sand eel, John has caught up to 14 fish on one tide, which he didn't come close to achieving before using the Sand Real. He says of Sand Real:"The biggest fish to date I have caught with it is a 10-pounder. I have reliably found Sand Real to be a fantastic lure. Fishing with it is much more effective." This spring, Yvonne bagged a 8lb 2 oz beauty, which took 10 minutes to land, followed by a 4 � pounder. Fishing around the shores of Waterville bay in County Kerry, on the South West coast of Ireland, Yvonne - although still a novice to fishing - is well and truly hooked since using the Sand Real to great effect.
Sand Real inventor John Moorhouse describes how he first happened on the idea of Sand Real: \"I was fishing with a rubber sand eel and a bubble float. I could see fish feeding on fry but my lure and bait kept getting tangled with seaweed. Then EUREKA I remembered having some large split shot in my fishing bag. I stripped off the bubble float, put the line through the eel and squeezed in four shots. I then tied on a hook . It was pure intuition really. It just felt right. On the first cast using the new invention I caught an 8-pounder. When I got back to the house I redesigned the lure, putting a weight inside it. The design was then gradually tweaked until I was happy with it.\" Besides fishing from the shore the lure is also very effective from a boat and will take Pollack and Mackerel, in fact any predatory fish but especially Sea bass. "The biggest fish to date I have caught with it is a 10-pounder. I have reliably found it to be a fantastic lure, fishing with it is much more effective. I now hold patents in Europe and the US, Canada, UK and Ireland; I'm actively looking for a global manufacturing and distribution partner." John has been guided through the patents and trademarks minefield by local experts Inventor-Net, which is backed by Atkinson & Company and Fixed Fee IP. Ralph Atkinson, director of Atkinson & Company and brainchild of both the Inventor-Net and Fixed Fee IP concepts, said: "This is the sort of idea we are helping to try and achieve commercial fruition. We deliver a service which points inventors in the right direction for successfully gaining a patent on their idea. In John's case, we helped him get international patents for his product. Angling is such a massive international participation sport that we feel this idea has a good chance of reaching commercial maturity, and we wish John well with it.\"
For further information, visit www.sandreal.co.uk, telephone John Moorhouse on 01226 743199 or e-mail john.moorhouse@sandreal.co.uk.
Anyone with an idea who needs free advice on inventions, patents and trademarks, should call Eileen Ellis on 0870 850 0043 to arrange their free, totally confidential consultation with the experts at Inventor-Net. For further information, visit www.inventor-net.com. Inventor-Net Confidential has arranged the following dates in Sheffield for those who have a great idea or just want to know more: Wednesday 28 November; Wednesday 16 January 2008.
Events are now becoming heavily oversubscribed so inventors are encouraged to book in as early as possible.
REF: FFIP026 - Sand Real
Web Site: http://www.beyondpr.co.uk
Contact Details: Press contact: BeyondPR. Tel: 0114 275 6996. Mobile: 07930 697773. E-mail: info@beyondpr.co.uk. Web: www.beyondpr.co.uk
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